Salvation is not the end, it’s just the beginning.
We are ever learning in our relationship with Father God.
As we learn, we mature into the purpose for which we were created.
Life Teams
LifeTeams, as adopted by the model established by John G Lake Ministries (JGLM), are small groups of believers trained through a specific systematic course of study and application program with the purpose of reaching their city for Christ. The training of members takes place through teaching, study, role-playing, and developing within each member a lifestyle of doing the great commission.
Belief’s Training
Beliefs Training is a biblically-based 5 step mind renewal process that will help you to intentionally renew your mind with God’s truth. It is designed to transform your life with renewed hope, joy, and peace. Our Beliefs Trainers will walk you through the process of identifying limiting beliefs and lies that you may believe and replacing them with God’s truth from His word. Focusing on God’s truth then begins the process of renewing our minds, and as Romans 12:2 tells us, this mind renewal leads to great transformation!