Belief Training

Beliefs Training is a biblically-based 5 step mind renewal process that will help you to intentionally renew your mind with God’s truth.

It is designed to transform your life with renewed hope, joy, and peace.

Our Beliefs Trainers will walk you through the process of identifying limiting beliefs and lies that you may believe and replacing them with God’s truth from His word. Focusing on God’s truth then begins the process of renewing our minds, and as Romans 12:2 tells us, this mind renewal leads to great transformation!

Beliefs Training

Carrie was equipped and certified as a Beliefs Trainer through Igniting Hope Ministries. She has a passion to see God’s sons and daughters walk in truth and freedom. Her own testimony of God’s transformational power has ignited her desire to help others awaken to their new creation identity in Christ. She loves God’s word and its life-giving truth. She and her husband Keith have celebrated 30 plus years of marriage; they are blessed with three adult children. Carrie is currently a member of the Senior Leadership Team of Bethel City Church.

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“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13