Healing & Deliverance

The Healing Room is a spiritually based ministry using the Divine Healing Technician biblical principles.

These principles are based on John G. Lake’s revelation of divine healing.

We administer healing by agreeing with the word of God through prayer. The average session lasts about 15 minutes. You can make an appointment in person or virtually. The Healing Room is a ministry of Bethel City Church and there is never any cost. All our healing comes from God almighty.


“Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”

James 5:14-15

The Healing Room is a spiritually based ministry using the Divine Healing Technician biblical principles. These principles are based on John G. Lake’s revelation of divine healing. We administer healing by agreeing with the word of God through prayer. The average session lasts about 15 minutes. You can make an appointment in person or virtually. The Healing Room is a ministry of Bethel City Church and there is never any cost. All our healing comes from God almighty.


We have also included a few additional resources below to help guide you in your journey.

Hours of Operation

Virtual healing times are available most weekdays. Please request an appointment through web, email, or phone.

Physical healing rooms appointments are available upon request, and is readily available after Sunday Service.


The Healing Room is located at the room on the backside of the congregation.


To schedule a physical healing appointment, please contact us via email or phone, or use the form below.